Mallets | Wands : Products
There are a variety of Mallets / Wands available for Crystal Singing bowls. Typically the smooth crystal singing bowls are played with suede mallets, and the silicone mallets are used on the frosted bowls.
I like to build up a soundscape using the suede mallet. Some bowls play easier than others and with those bowls I use the rubberized rim of the end of my sued mallet to build the sound a little faster.
I like a smooth soundscape, so I play the side of the bowl venus the rim of the bowl, to avoid that sandy hiss sound, but instead creating a clear tone. One of my bowls has a rough surface much like a frosted bowl, and to avoid this hissing sound I use a silicone mallet on that bowl.
The Silicone mallets were created for the frosted bowls, and when used on a smooth surface bowl, like the majority of Crystal Tones Alchemy Singing bowls are, the bowl plays very loudly quickly. This can be beneficial when playing in a large room, or when used on hard to play bowls.
As stated before, I like to build a soundscape gently and smoothly, especially when playing for a relaxing and restorative session versus a performative event.
I have tried a variety of mallets/ wands and have my favorites for sure. Here is a sample of what I have used so far.
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Dieter Schrade Frosted Singing Bowl Mallets
$40 for the Large / $35 for the small.
I find these long mallets unwieldy especially in the large size. Frequently with the smaller sized mallet the silicone slips up and down the wand. I have kept these for educational purposes only. I’ve also noticed that these mallets often grab the bowl and will pull them off the O-Rings.
Good for circle friction only.
bottom row left to right
Suede Mallet
$22.00 from Crystal Tones
Use these the most as they are the most versatile and I like the smooth sound they create with a gentle build. As you can see in the photo the suede grays over time and looks a but dingy. Keep these mallets wrapped up when not in use.
Great for circle friction and chiming
Half Coated Crystal Silicone Rod/Mallet
$25 Full Coated $20 for the Half Coated. Meinl Sonic Energy
I prefer the option for a glass handle versus the fully coated one. I find these mallets or wands to be a manageable size, and they feel good in the hand, and I use these frequently.
Circle friction only.
Be careful with these as you can see in the second row far right the glass handle broke when it fell out of my cabinet and hit the floor. So keep them wrapped up when not in use to avoid breakage. You can easily wash the silicone when dirty with soap and warm water.
Sonic Mallet
$33.00 Crystal Tones
This is Crystal Tones version of a silicone mallet. It is the same dimension as their suede mallet. I like the size and length of these mallets they are comfortable in the hand, and manageable length.
I’ve just started to use this style. I suggest only using it for circle friction as it is heavy and could possibly break a bowl if one struck too hard with it.
Circle friction only
Zen Mallet
$15.00 from Crystal Tones
These are fantastic for chiming.
top row right
Half dipped
No longer available, not really keen on it and included it just because.